Tuesday 3 June 2008


Here are some drawings made by Oliver and Liam at school today, 3 June 2008. Liam drew the United Kingdom flag and Oliver drew a house with a python, snake, kite and baloon with clouds.

Our teacher's name is Miss Taylor, she is a good teacher and she speaks Japanese. She showed us a picture of van Gogh. We have seen lots of his paintings in Holland when we were there in April.

For maths Oliver is in Bears group for drawings, ! group for maths and cubes group for maths. Liam is in cheetahs for drawing, ? for maths and spheres for maths.

Oliver's favourite activity at school is choosing and playing with his friends. His best friends are Oli F, Finley H, Josh Ball. Transformers, Star Wars and Barnyard are my favourite movies.

Liam's favourite activity at school is choosing and playing with his friends. His best friends are Henry, Oli F, Finley H, Max and Josh Ball and Annie. Spongebob and the Incredibles are my favourite movie and CiTV is my favourite TV channel.

Last week we had school holidays and we went to Legoland in Windsor with Dad. It was fantastico ! The best ride was the Viking water splash. We also liked squirting people in the train as it rode by.

We both do swimming lessons with Dave at our gym on Fridays. Dave is a great teacher and we have lots of fun with him.

Tuesday 11 December 2007

The boys have made their wish lists for Santa.
Since we'll be in Venezuela they are worried that Santa will not give them anything. So their letter gives an explanation that they will be in Venezuela and then a list of toys they want.
Number 1 on the list is Nintendo DS, followed by Bionicles (6 + years) and other Lego games.
Have to wait until Christmas Eve to see if any of these get delivered !
Liam has used a yellow colouring in pen to highlight the list to make sure Santa reads it. Oliver used red pen, which is his favourite colour for writing. I am for ever losing my red pens and having to ask Oliver where he has taken them.
Oliver lost his front tooth on Friday 9th December !
It had been lose for a while but then he accidently bit on his fork at school lunch and it became really lose before falling out on Friday night at home.
The tooth fairy brought £1- !

Monday 26 November 2007

Liam's tooth came out !

First tooth fell out for Liam on 21st November. Oliver's front lower teeth are loose and should follow in another month or so.

Boys turned Six this month !
Party was at the local Village Hall where friends and school mates came for 2 hours of fun dancing and games. Lots of fantastic presents including Bionicles and Exoforce from lego which they are building themselve by carefully following the instructions.

Mum & Dad gave a digital camera so we can publish some of their photos here soon.

Oliver is 122.5 cm and 24.5 kg while Liam is 121cm and 23 kg. So not much difference between them anymore.
Some of the models they've made including lego and a pirate ship. Also some piggy banks for money from the tooth fairy.

Oliver just completed his bionicle.

Thursday 1 November 2007

Last night it was Halloween and we dressed up as scary monsters and went Trick or Treating down the road. Liam was a scary vampire and Oliver was the devil.
We knocked on many doors and got lots of yummy sweets, which we eat secretly when Mum & Dad are not looking.
We made a pumpkin with Dad. It was a big pumpkin that we grew ourselves in the vegetable garden over summer. After using it for Halloween we cut it up and made a delicious soup.

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Oliver and Liam are nearly 6 now and in Year 1 at Northleaze Primary School (see the website: http://www.northleaze.n-somerset.sch.uk/Index.htm). Their teacher is Miss Taylor and there are 30 in the class. They are learning to read using phonics and books about Chip, Kipper and Floppy. Both enjoy reading very much and are reading by themselves with some guidance from Mum & Dad on difficult words.

Each Wednesday they have spelling tests. They are also learning to do simple mathematics, adding and subtracting.
Here's a photo of Oliver showing his whiteboard where he wrote all numbers from 1 to 100.

Liam shows a picture of a rocket that he made.

We're getting ready for their birthday in November. It will be at the local village hall and they have invited the whole class ! Mum & Dad will do some games and activities for an hour or so before they stop for food and drinks. Then it's the Pinata ! It's 2 hours of fun and chaos with their friends. Last year went well, so we hope for success this year.

On Mondays they have multisports activities at our local gym, David Lloyds (http://www.davidlloydleisure.co.uk/clubzone/Bristol). Dad normally takes them and has a workout while they run around with the High 5 club.

Other activities they do include Tennis at after school club on Thursdays and Art Attack with the High 5 club at the gym on Wednesdays.

Their other interests are Stagecoach on Saturday mornings (http://www.stagecoach.co.uk/stagecoach/html/country.php?cid=1) where they learn to sing, dance and act a little. Their favourite activity is dancing.

Oliver recently tried horseriding for the first time and loved it very much. He's been back a few times already and wants to keep going there. It's half an hour at the moment, as he learns the basics. Liam is not really interested in horse riding, preferring to watch Oliver.

Liam and Oliver


We are starting a Blog for Liam and Oliver to record special events and communicate to our friends and relatives around the world.

It will be updated regularly with news and photos.

Hope you enjoy it.

This will be instead of the webpage (http://www.pabbruwe.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/) which is still active but hasn;t been updated for a while now.

The blog is interactive, so you can post comments, birthday wishes etc... if you want.